As mentioned earlier Hoover believed in a small government and letting the free market reign and sort out itself. In fact he was quoted as saying, “Prosperity is just around the corner” and many Democratic election posters mocked for this with titles such as “Smile away the depression”. Howevere he did say he would the parties 1928 stance on the 18th Amendment by repealing the Prohibition although Roosevelt was promising to the same and when FDR won he removed the prohibition after getting the final vote from Ohio in December 1933 with the 21st amendment to the United Sates Constitution.
Roosevelt was predicted to be the first Democratic president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916. He promised to give a new deal to American. Moreover he was related to another US president. Theodore Roosevelt so that gave him a sense recognisability. Moreover, people could see he was trying to fight of the Depression in New York as the governor and New York was one of the worst hit areas and FDR still tried to save it. The most impressive thing about his election were that lots of people of different backgrounds elected him and created a so called coalition of voters of different demographics.